TriEthanolAmine (TEA) CAS:102-71-6 Triethanolamine is a viscous organic compound that is both a tertiary amine and a triol with a molecular formula C6H15NO3. Triethanolamine Chemical Structure Composition Production Triethanolamine is produced by reacting ethylene oxide with aqueous ammonia. This reaction produce triethanolamine as well as diethanolamine and monoethanolamine. The ratio of each product can be […]

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Iso Propyl Acetate
Iso Propyl Acetate CAS: 108-21-4 Iso propyl acetate is an organic compound with a molecular formula of C5H10O2, CAS: 108-21-4. It is commonly used as a solvent for cellulose, plastics, oils and fats. This product is a clear, colourless liquid that has a fruity ester odour. It is highly flammable with a flash point of […]